affect the media. "Follow the Media" points to
some of the related problems:
"Media World Upheaval - Credit Crunch Hits
Revenue Even More As Alernative Media Grows"
In addition to that it is quite likely that the consumers
are changing their media consumption. For instance
in cases where they feel badly informed, misled.
There was indeed a lot of manipulation going on in
the recent months if not years as it turns out now.
One just has to think of the many assurances made
time and again which were regularly followed by nasty
surprises, exactly the opposite of what experts and
bank economists said on TV. It was really ludicrous.
It would thus be no big surprise if the media worldwide
would be falling out of favour, losing audience and anyhow
really excessive advertising revenue.
The worries and concerns over banks goings bust is
of concern pretty everywhere in Europa and the USA,
possibly people in Asia are asking the same questions.
Thsi means, even without any big busts, the super -
Gau, the meltdown of all public relations efforts and
advertising of banks. The millions spent by them turning
out to be complete waste of money. A case where
advertising and PR backfires, is eventually counter-
"Follow the Media" (link above) also quotes from a survey
conducted in France concerning TV ad popularity.
According to that, "nine out of ten people in France
are not keen on enduring more ads on TV. Eight in
ten believe there are already too many".
The survey was carried by a radio group, thus a bit
biased, but it is vertainly not far off the mark.
Considering the damage and costs those ads for credits
that ran in recent years have caused, surveys might come
to even worse results if that would be included.
It is possible that because of these concerns media
consumers are disconnecting themselves somehow
from the media. They might even liberate themselves
from one or the other medium when it is percerved
as annoying, useless or burden, something to shy away
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